Finding balance between perfection and progress.

Full features including PDF generation and Filter by skills available on desktop.

Apr 2024 - Ongoing

Software Architect

NextJSNestJSTailwind CSSPostgresTypeORMDockerAWSIoTWebSocket
Software Architect


    Responsible for designing and implementing solutions for a greenfield project developing a Warehouse Management System (WMS) as a web and mobile application for warehouse operations, incorporating IoT technologies.

    (private git, on request)

  • Architectural Design
  • Full Stack Development
  • Lifecycle Management
  • IoT Integration
  • Team Management

Feb 2024 - Ongoing

NextJS Fullstack

NextJSTailwind CSSShadcn/uiTursoSQLiteDrizzle ORMVercelTanstackOpen AI
NextJS Fullstack
  • Qviks CRM

    AI-powered CRM designed for solo professionals. Simple to use. Seamlessly integrates with email marketing.

    (private git, on request)

  • Architectural Design: Solo design and implementation of scalable SaaS CRM architecture.
  • UI/UX Design: Creation of intuitive interfaces, enhancing user engagement. Using Shadcn/ui and Tailwind CSS along with animations and transitions.
  • Full Stack Development: Independently developed using NextJS for server and client components.
  • Lifecycle Management: Managed concept-to-deployment, including CI/CD, as a solo developer.

Oct 2023 - Feb 2024

React Ecosystem

ReactNextJSTailwind CSSNodeJSExpressMongoDBSQLDrizzle ORMNetlifyVercelOpen AI
React Ecosystem
  • This Portfolio

    NextJS portfolio website, an interactive resume.

    Public GIT
  • Contemporary trends and hands-on micro-projects

    Several simple full-stack solutions, exploring the latest trends in web development, including AI and cloud technologies.

  • Explore the trends of contemporary web development, choose between Express vs NextJS, SQL vs NoSQL, Vercel vs Netlify/Cyclic, Supabase vs Turso vs Neon, Drizzle ORM vs Prisma, Zustand/TanStack vs Redux, Clerk vs NextAuth etc.
  • Fully understand the mindset of NextJS, Tailwind CSS, and other modern tools.
  • Effectively use AI and Copilot to speed up development.
  • Learn about current cloud technologies and deployment strategies.

Jun 2023 - Sep 2023

Angular 17

Angular 17
Angular 17
  • Angular 17

    Update knowledge of Angular to the latest version

  • Mentorship

    Mentorship of junior developers trought

  • Learning about course creation and video production.
  • Learning about web builders, SEO, marketing.
  • While the course for junior developers was a promising project, I realized that my passion lies more in continuing my own education and working on projects, rather than teaching. Despite my love for teaching, I chose to focus on advancing my skills as a full-stack developer. I'm still available to lend a hand and offer guidance, but my primary focus is on my personal growth and work.

2017 - Dec 2022

MEAN Stack

NodeJSExpressMongoDBAngularHighchartsSocket.ioOANDA APIJasmineKarmaJest
MEAN Stack
  • Stock/Commodities Trading Bot and Analysis Tool

    A full-stack trading bot and analysis tool for stock/commodities, focused on both real-time trading and historical market data analysis.

    (private git, on request)

  • Develop a fullstack application from scratch.
  • Explored and real time data visualization.
  • Manage live high - frequency trading operations on a dedicated server.
  • Overcame the complexities of the OANDA API for trading operations.
  • Deal with challenges involving timezones and time- sensitive data processing.
  • End the project in Dec 2023, as trading strategies proved non - profitable.

Nov 2021 - Dec 2022

Angular 13

Angular 13Angular CDKAngular MaterialCustom CSSNgRXCypressGitLab CI/CDJasmine/KarmaStoryblockStorybookScullyScrum


UNIQA Insurance Group AG (Vienna, Austria)

contract via CoolPeople s.r.o. (Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • Calculator Application

    Travel insurance calculator with complex functionality, numerous use-cases, and validations

  • Landing page

    Responsive landing page with a container for the calculator, writing reusable Storybook components. Utilizes Scully for static site generation, enhancing performance and SEO.

  • CMS

    Allowing admins to edit the content of landing page using Storyblock

  • Meet the tight deadline with ease.
  • Collaborate within monorepo with the other teams.
  • Learn about Scully, Storyblock, Storybook.
  • Build complex components based on Angular CDK.

Nov 2020 - Nov 2021

Angular 11

Angular 11GitLab CI/CDJasmine/KarmaAngular MaterialCustom CSSScrum

Company: (Sweden)
  • Platform

    Swedish online platform for healthcare services. It allows users to search for, compare, and book appointments with various healthcare providers.

  • Booking system

    Calendar booking system built from scratch, including API Design and custom styles.

    (private git, on request)

  • Admin Portal

    A custom-built user management tool, where I actively contributed to its architectural design (Greenfield project).

  • Developed a booking system from scratch, including an API design and custom styles.
  • Optimized performance

Dec 2019 - Dec 2020

Angular 8

AngularJSAngular 8Custom CSSScrum



contract via Riwers s.r.o.

  • Platform upgrade

    Contributed to the transition of the GIN platform from AngularJS to Angular 8, which serves as a centralized application for mapping weather data related to natural hazards in Switzerland.

  • Transition existing code to new Angular standards.
  • Implement numerous complex charts and layers.
  • Gain understanding of the environmental domain.
  • Develop a user-friendly Drag and Drop feature from scratch in vanilla JS.

Aug 2018 - Jan 2020

Angular 6

Angular 6JasmineKarmaCypressAngular MaterialScrum
Angular 6


Solar Turbines (Caterpillar Inc.)

contract via Ness s.r.o.

  • Admin Portal

    Developed an advanced administration system for sales support, focusing on offshore oil platforms equipped with solar turbines.

  • Overcame tight deadlines and resource limitations.
  • Complete an initial version of the project solo that was initially planned for a multi-developer team.
  • Obtain a Scrum Certification (PSM I) ID461536

Jan 2018 - Aug 2018

AngularJS/Angular 5

AngularJSAngular 2Angular MaterialCustom CSSBootstrap


VSE (Innogy group)

contract via Code2b s.r.o.

  • Greenfield Angular Apps

    Developed 2 simple applications from scratch

  • AngularJS to Angular2+ Migration

    rewrote one complex AngularJS app to Angular 4+, including maintenance.

Jan 2017 - Jan 2018




Adito GmbH

contract via Nordlicht s.r.o.

  • CRM System Maintenance

    Wrote JavaScript code for SQL operations in a Swing Java client application

2014 - 2017


  • Landing Pages Development

    Developed efficient landing pages for various clients using modern web technologies.

    (private git, on request)

  • Exploring Angular and React

    Engaged in self-directed learning to understand the fundamentals of Angular and React. Developed several simple applications by following tutorials and official documentation.

2010 - 2014


  • E-commerce and Blog Development

    Developed webpages, e-commerce sites, and blogs using Wordpress and Magento.

2006 - 2010

Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes


Allianz SP a.s.
  • Insurance Database Management

    Managed Allianz insurance databases and calculators, and involved in analysis, consulting, and UI/UX.

2004 - 2006


Informix4GLSQLUnix TerminalsMS Word Templates


Novitech Tax, s.r.o.
  • Tax Information System Optimization

    Developed and optimized Slovakia's tax information system and managed data operations for systems handling millions of rows.

2003 - 2004


  • Website and Game Development

    Developed simple websites and Flash games.

1999 - 2004

Formal Education

Formal Education
  • Master's degree

    Technical University of Košice, Slovakia

1997 - 1998

PC Configuration

Windows 95Vacuum Cleaner (they were pretty dusty)
PC Configuration


ProCom, s.r.o. Košice
  • PC Configuration

    Configured Windows 95 PCs, according to customer's request

1990 - 1995

First Touch

First Touch
  • Basic Programming

    Learned to program in Basic

1981 - ?

